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Saturday, May 24, 2014

My Pineapple Upside Down Cake Fiasco turned Triumph

 Photo: Who's hungry? :) My first time and oh so awesome! Everyone should eat pineapple upside down cake. :D

I made it! I always wanted to try doing this cake and I finally did. I love it! My boys loved it. Its the quickest I ever saw cake go in my house since my Picky Princes give me a hard time with just about everything.

Anyways, I did it. But, ha ha, there was drama. Or should I say, an adventure. I got the recipe from Sally's Baking Addiction. Let me just say, I love her. Every single one of her recipes I've tried turned out to be a success.... and a hit.

The recipe called for a pie dish or a 9" baking dish. However, I wanted a reason to use my Spring form pan, so I went ahead and used that. Bad idea. I did not do my usual testing to make sure any leaking would occur as the mixture was very thick; but leak it did. Within seconds there was the hissing sound of sizzling coming from the oven. My heart sank. I thought it would just stop, but no, it didn't. I opened the oven, smoke everywhere! Within minutes the kitchen was filled with it. I dashed to open all the windows that were not already opened then I prayed the smoke alarm would not go off. It didn't. Thank you Lord! Anyways, what to do about all that sizzling? It was too late to change pans as the syrup, pineapples and cherries were all already on the bottom, nicely arranged (The liquid from that was dripping, my batter was fine). I grabbed one of my disposable cookie sheets which, for some reason, I always have around. So, I took the dripping pan from the oven and placed it on that in one quick maneuver, placed it back in the oven and phew! That was the end of the sizzling. I had to deal with the burning smell till the smoke cleared though. Then I had to adjust my bake time A LOT! I took that pan out and tested it with about half a dozen toothpicks long after the recommended cook time. Then I just decided to wait and do some other cool things - like work on dinner. Of course, my sons were oblivious to all this because even though my oldest offered to help, he was busy watching Ratatouille and my youngest was busy climbing stuff, getting into stuff and watching the same thing on and off.

So hooray! The cake was finally ready but I was so nervous to turn it over because of all that occurred. I did this carefully and released the spring, held my breath and slowly, carefully, lifted the pan. Yaayyy!!! Success! I was overjoyed! I wanted to take so many pictures but my phone died, my youngest was all fussy, ready for dinner and I couldn't get my other camera. So, one picture, one beautiful story to share. Perfection. So, by this time my oldest finished his movie and saw the cake and was like, "I want cake". My thoughts were "Really?" I smiled sweetly and said he had to eat dinner first. Pretty good bargain, since he is the super picky one. He ate his dinner so quickly, I was just there secretly giggling, because, this doesn't happen in my house. All for a slice of cake. So, we cleared dinner and it was cake time and they loved it! Would have taken pictures of them, but.... I lived in the moment and enjoyed it with them. Piece of heaven.